Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Sting of the Scorpion
A little boy and his family were having a picnic in the Desert and his parents always told him to wear shoes to protect him from all that could hurt him on the sandy desert floors. He decided that even though he knew sandals were not shoes he would wear them instead of wearing actual closed shoes.  As he was walking he felt something sting him in the arch of his foot. When he looked down he realized it was a scorpion. As he yelped in pain he called out to his parents who then put him in a car and rushed him to the nearest hospital...two hours away. After checking him out and administering anesthesia the doctor took care of the wound. He said that only infants and those that were malnourished were the ones who wounds would pose a real threat.

The lesson learned in this story is that all could have been avoided if the little boy had only listened to his parents. They told him to follow instructions for his own good. They didn't mean any harm but instead were taking precaution for his own safety. I also learned not to compromise your values. The boy knew that sandals were not appropriate footwear but he decided to put them on and convince himself they were okay to wear when in reality they were not. Choosing the right will ALWAYS end up benefiting you and never hurting you. Being aware that rules are up for a reason will help you choose the right decision and avoid many unfortunate things.

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